Today’s post is about views of the mountains and recent dishes at The Sidecar Inn. While out and about I took a couple of photos of the wonderful views of the mountains. Link to the topographic map is here. Plus I had prepared a few dishes that haven’t fit anywhere else so they are!

Views of the mountains and some recent dishes
Sunset from Dolly Parton Parkway in Sevierville

Next up are some recent items I have prepared here at The Sidecar Inn.

two recent dishes
Date & Walnut cookies as an arrival snack
two recent dishes
Persian Yogurt starter – cucumbers, pecans & walnuts, raisins drizzled with olive oil
two recent dishes
Chex mix with Bugles!
Views of the mountains and some recent dishes
King Arthur’s Beautiful Burger Buns

I have made this burger bun recipe a few times and they are delicious, but in following the recipe I end up with buns that result in more “bun than burger”. This time I took the option for weighing out a smaller quantity of dough but they ended up slider sized! No matter as they were still great buns. I’m not wedded to Duke’s Mayonnaise, and sometimes make my own, but thought including the jar this might start an entertaining mayo argument! Pickles are from Stamey’s.

Book a stay with us and go see the mountains and sample some of my some recent dishes.